Forum Discussion

LynMor's avatar
2 years ago

Accounts/ Job report


I've noticed that when I generate a report via Accounts, Jobs, then Job Activity summary/detail, its only showing some of the expenses assigned to that job. 

We have a perpetual inventory and track our stock levels through sales and purcahses. We also rely on the use of job codes when making purchases. This is so once the job is complete we can generate a report to see exactly what expenses went into that job. 

The report, however, only displays items that were purchased that are NOT in our inventory. So items that are in our inventory are not showing on the report and therefore being forgotton. 

Is there a way around this? Or a different report option to show purchases assigned to a job regardless to whether they are in our inventory? 


Thank you 

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi LynMor , the job activity summary/detail reports have an option to include balance sheet accounts on the Filters tab. Have you tried that?

    • LynMor's avatar

      thank you for the reply. 

      I've tried that and its still not displaying all account infomation for the job. 

  • MagicHat's avatar
    Experienced User

    Was there a solution to this as i am having the same problem with MYOB??

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi LynMor

    Thank you so much for your post and I'm sorry to hear that you were having issues with Job report. I really appreciate your patience and understanding about this issue, and I do apologize for the delayed response. When generating the "Job Activity Summary/Detail" report, review the filters and criteria you've set. Ensure that you haven't unintentionally applied filters that exclude certain types of expenses. I would also recommend updating your software to the latest version. 

    Additionally, please try clearing the AccountRight cache, as this can sometimes solve random odd behaviors the software is experiencing. 

    1. Open the Windows Explorer window by clicking on the Windows button by simultaneously pressing the Windows and E keys on your keyboard (the Windows key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys) and keys
    2. Type %localappdata% into the address bar at the top of the window then press Enter.
    3. Double-click to open these folders MYOB > AccountRight > 20XX.X >Cache (replace 20XX.X with your AccountRight version).
    4. Delete the contents of the Cache folder.

    Please close and restart AccountRight after doing this and try the reports again. If you are still experiencing issues, please let me know exactly which report you are trying to run, as well as your version of AccountRight.

    Please do let me know how you go on this.