Forum Discussion

sonyaweiser's avatar
2 years ago

MYOB has a data breach! An email invoice sent to a client had completely the wrong invoice attached, for a contact that's not even in my database.

I am concerned that MYOB has a data breach.

I created and invoice to a client and hit the send email button.

The email my client received had completely the wrong invoice attached. It was actually a credit note to a customer that's not even in my database.

Where did the MYOB software pick up this credit note from? It must have been from another company's MYOB database, not mine, which meas MYOB has a data breach!

  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi sonyaweiser 

    I have seen this before - MYOB has been unable to explain what happened - but when the invoice was sent again - it had the correct information. I'm not aware the issue was ever fixed. its a bug!