Forum Discussion

BronwynHamster's avatar
Trusted Cover User
5 months ago

Payroll Summary Report

This morning I attempted to run Payroll Summary Report for the month of July 2024. The system advises I only have two options, current year (2024) and last year (2023). How do I run the report for July 2024? System does not accept me popping 01/07/24 30/07/24 changing the dates back to 2023.


Thanks, Bronwyn

  • BronwynHamster's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Worked out that the particular Company didn't pay wages in July, so that is probably why. 

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi there BronwynHamster,


    You're correct! If the pay run hasn't been processed yet for the new payroll year, then it's likely that the reports are only available for the prior payroll years. This is a common scenario, and it means that the system is still reflecting data from the previous payroll year. If you encounter issues in the future, feel free to create a post again.


    Best regards.
