Consolidated Reports
Hi There,
I'm just wondering if with AccountRight Premier I can run a consolidated TrialBalance or Balancesheet/P&L?
At the moment I work with 10 different entities of a holding, and all of them have different files, so I'm unsure if there is a way to consolidate this info and get one report with all entity's information.
Thank you.
Hi Bfx21,
As of now, AccountRight Premier does not support running consolidated Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, or Profit & Loss (P&L) reports directly from multiple entities within the software. Currently, the feature to consolidate financial reports across different entities is not available in AccountRight Premier.However, you can manually consolidate the reports by exporting the balances from each entity's file and then combining them into a single report. This can be done by exporting to a .CSV file and then importing the data into another program to create a consolidated report.
Consolidating reports for multiple company files