Forum Discussion

ktech's avatar
22 days ago

401 Unauthorised Error MYOB Business Plus

Trying to integrate an API solution and having trouble doing the very basics with MYOB API.

In summary:

  1. Purchased a subscription of MYOB Business Pro to test
  2. Obtained a developer API Key for our application
  3. Successfully can use Oauth to get the code
  4. Successfully use to get the token and refresh token
  5. Successfully use to get a refresh token

However when we try to do the following basic call to get the companyFiles connected to the user using api:

We get a 401 Unauthorized.


Using postman to make the call, here are the snapshots. Tried both with and without 'Bearer'. Also tried including property x-myobapi-cftoken, with password Based64(Adminstrator:) => QWRtaW5zdHJhdG9yOg==

Still get the same error. Only had the MYOB subscription account for 7 days not sure if this is the problem?

Also is this the correct endpoint for MYOB Business plus?


Also the user is the owner of the CompanyFile + also connected to other profiles. I have also tried registering another email as a user with File access but still get the same error.


 Appreciate if we can get some help on this. Have also raised ticket with MYOB but not got a response yet.


  • Issue resolved, I had passed the auth paramaters in the body not the header. Now working

2 Replies

  • Jemar_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ktech,


    I can see that you are unable to integrate an API solution with MYOB API. I highly suggest checking our Developer Centre site MYOBapi Developer Centre , you will see our instructional guides, help, and general information, or you may lodge a ticket through this link that will be checked by our developer's team.


    Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.




  • Issue resolved, I had passed the auth paramaters in the body not the header. Now working