Unauthorised access
Just wondering if anybody else had this happened to them. On 29/6, I received the usual security check email from MYOB "Security check: MYOB business settings have changed" notifying me whenever a bank account is changed.
2 suppliers' bank accounts were somehow changed. Someone had unauthorised access to the file and changed these bank details. I certainly didn't change it and no one else in the business accesses MYOB. It's only me and the accountant that do and I have 2FA security set up too.
Would MYOB be able to trace who'd made these changes? It's really scary to think that scammers could do this, change bank account details within MYOB?? Lucky that I received that email notifying me, as I was just about to make end of month payments.
I changed my password straight away and I called these suppliers to double check if they'd changed their bank account.
I tried calling MYOB as soon as this happened, but each time I was on hold for close to an hour 😒
If someone could help clarify this please.