User Access Payroll
I have a new employee who will be handling payroll.
I have set up full access for her and she can create payruns etc. but she gets and error message when she tries to record the payrun
She has gone into STP and put her sign in information into STP and she can log onto the Payroll Reporting but I have obviously missed a set up that allows her to record a payrun.
Can anyone help
Hi, Debbie-KEAD
Thanks for providing the requested screenshot.
As per checking the error you have received, this usually happens when the user recording the pay run is not yet added as a declarer to Single Touch Payroll. For further steps on how a user can be added as a declarer, kindly check The Help Article Add a declarer for Single Touch Payroll reporting. Once added, please have the user record the pay run again and see if the error message will show up.
Please let me know how it goes.
Best regards,