Forum Discussion

BellaCT's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Where are the cloud based company files stored? Time zone issue when imported data via API

Can you please advise where MYOB has its data centers. I need to know the time zone the data is stored in, because I believe we have a time stamp issue with data imported into myob from shopify via a third party.


If anyone else has encountered (and solved) this probelm please please please message me.  
This issue has been with the myob's API support team for 12 MONTHS!!! and still no-one has accepted responsibility!  

Meanwhile I continue to send out cutomer statements missing most of the final day of the months invoices because myob actually thinks they are for the next day! Same goes for emailing the days invoices and runnng EOM receivables reports!  It is sooooo frustrating!!


If MYOB could please advise the time zone of their data storage and confirm a time stamp issue is a possibility when importing via an API, at least it would be a start!


2 Replies

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  • Komal_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi BellaCT 

    MYOB cloud company files are stored in Microsoft Azure Servers in Australia (would be the Melbourne or Sydney based servers).

  • Zappy's avatar
    Valued Partner

    Bella you might want to look at the date format. 


    Zappy :)