Forum Discussion

TonyaSey's avatar
Trusted Partner
11 months ago

Importing Employee Time Cards for Payroll for Materials only

Our client is using Time Cards for staff to enter their timesheets.  They're using the Materials tab in the Time Card screen for staff to enter things like kilometres travelled.  These come through with the time card times into the "Import Timesheets" screen as they come into payroll as allowances. 

We've found that if the time card only has "Materials" and does not have a time entry (which happens for salaried staff who need to claim an allowance but do not need to enter a timesheet) the time card will not import into time sheets.  If the employee enters a line on the "Details" tab of the time card and leaves the hours as zero, the "material" line will then import into timesheets.

Is there something I'm missing in the setup or process to allow "materials only" time cards to be imported for payroll?  

Thank you

5 Replies

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  • JuliaPad's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    You are not missing anything, this is an issue. We had to create a customisation.

    • LouiseMulqueen's avatar

      Hi Julie....Louise here colleague of Tonya.        Is it a customization you are willing to share/Sell ?     It just might save us a lot of time and heartache and hassle.

      • JuliaPad's avatar
        Experienced Partner

        Hi Louise


        I am sorry but this is a part of a wider customisation. I only wanted to point out that thi is indeed an issue,


        I hope you get sorted!

    • TonyaSey's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      Thanks Julia.

      I've logged a ticket with support but I'm guessing I'll need to log an idea.

      We're working with the client to create an import scenario that will import a zero value time entry for the "materials only" time cards.