6 years agoExperienced User
Running off list of FBT clients from MYOB AE (Accountants Enterprise)
We need to run off a report from MYOB AE showing all of our FBT clients.
I can see that we have a Yes/No drop down for FBT in the Extra tab but not sure how to run the report to extract out all clients for which we have selected Yes.
We want the headings of the report to be Client Code, Client Name, Contact Name, Email, Manager and FBT (Yes).
Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind regards
Hi Joanna,
Check out the help guide, it should cover what you need to create a report with the headings you want.
I think you will want to make it under Reports>Client>Client List
Just make sure under "Run Report Settings" you add "Yes" to the FBT filter before you run/save it.
Hope this helps.