Forum Discussion

MLK's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 days ago

BAS lodged with ATO but not in MYOB

Hi there,

I have lodged my previous quarter BAS via MyGov using the link in MYOB. My laptop crashed just after lodgement was completed, and I can see it is lodged with the ATO.


It is still sitting as a draft in MYOB. How can I update the file to show as lodged and record the correct information in my MYOB file?


Thank you


2 Replies

  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi MLK,


    Thank you for the post. To update your file to show the BAS as lodged and to record the correct information, go to Accounting>Prepare BAS or IAS. Locate the draft BAS that is still sitting in MYOB and open the draft BAS form.


    Since you have already lodged it via MyGov and it is visible with the ATO, you can manually mark the BAS as lodged in your MYOB software. You might need to update any relevant fields with the actual lodgment date and any payment details if applicable. Once the BAS form is updated and marked as lodged, save the changes and close the form.





    • MLK's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Hi Sai,


      Thank you for your prompt reply.


      I understand your process, but I don't seem to have the functionality to mark the BAS as lodged in MYOB Business.

