Forum Discussion

janjac's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago


Hoping I can explain this easy enough to be understood !

When some one pays their invoice by card thru the QR code, they pay a fee ontop of the invoice.

When the payment comes thru it has the feeincluded in it.

The payment is automatically reconciled with the invoice, so the invoice then shows as paid however, the full amount still shows in my feed to be reconciled.

So for example I have an invoice for the amount of $385.22, when paid the amount is $392.15 which includes the fee of $6.93, the invoice is paid on the amount it is and shows as paid, but the dashboard has the full amount.

What is the solution !

I cannot delete the payment that has been automatically reconciled so that I can add the fee and then reconcile it.

I have these amounts sitting on the dashboard which I need to sort and it is many things MYOB does !!

  • Hi, janjac


    Thanks for updating us, and we're sorry for the late response.


    If you can see the necessary transactions in place, you can match those transactions to your bank feed. You may also check the Help Article: Reconciling online invoice payments for more information on how to do this.


    Best regards,


  • BexR's avatar
    Experienced User

    Any answers ?

    This frustrating me no end...

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, janjac


        Thanks for your post.


        To correct the situation, you may need to find the surcharge transaction if there's any recorded. To do this, please refer to the steps below:


        • Go to Banking and choose Find transactions.
        • Click the Transactions tab. A list of transactions appear.
        • The surcharge amount will have the same Reference no as the received payment, but with an additional 'S' at the end as shown below.


        Once done, please check your Online Invoice Payment report > Transaction details for the reference number. If there is no recorded surcharge, you can manually record a receive money transaction for the surcharge. After that, you can match the invoice and the surcharge transaction to the bank feed transaction. To create a receive money transaction, please check out the Help Article: Receive money for more information.


        Please let us know if you require further assistance with this.


        If my response has answered your inquiry, please don't forget to click "Accept Solution" to help other users find this information.


        Best regards,
