Forum Discussion

Ian_Burgess's avatar
Contributing Cover User
11 months ago

Payments accepted through MYOB Payments are auto entered incorrectly

I have four customer payments from last November that the customer has made with credit card through the MYOB payment portal.


MYOB BUSINESS LITE has auto-entered them in the payments as the amount without the cc surcharge.



One of the invoices is for $24.75

I received $25.20 from the customer ($24.75 + $0.45 cc surcharge)

MYOB has auto-marked off the invoice for $24.75

I have an amount of $25.20 stuck in my bank feed that I can't match.

I try to delete the payment from the invoice, but I get the error

<Something went wrong. Please try again or refresh the browser. Please try again. If the error persists, get in touch with us. Request ID: 8d6cc69b-4f5f-4436-9222-a720b076bb8b.>


Does anyone know what I can do about this? I submitted a support ticket but received no response.

As far as I can see, they will be stuck in my bank feed forever and I'll have problems balancing my books.



  • MYOB Support finally called me.


    We figured out the problem. For some reason the payment didn't get assigned to a bank account, so it couldn't be matched in the bank feed.

    I don't know how many times I'd been in the payment trying to delete it, but I was looking for the wrong thing. It's only these four transactions where it's ever happened.

    As soon as I assigned a bank account for the Payment and the Credit Card Surcharge, I could match it in bank feeds.


    Thanks for your help.

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Ian_Burgess,

    Thanks for your post. When faced with this situation, I suggest adjusting the invoice accordingly. Here's how you can do it:

    1. Go to the Invoices section.
    2. Locate the invoice that was auto-matched incorrectly.
    3. Edit the invoice and modify the total amount to include the credit card surcharge. For example, change the invoice amount from $24.75 to $25.20.
    4. Save the changes to the invoice.

    If you want to disable Auto Match for Bank Transactions, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Banking > Bank Rules.
    2. Disable the Auto Match feature.

    After disabling Auto Match, MYOB Business will no longer attempt to automatically match and apply payments to invoices. Instead, you will need to complete these tasks manually.


    Feel free to post again, we're happy to help!

    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.



    • Ian_Burgess's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Hi Earl,


      Unfortunately that doesn't help in this situation - all it gives me is $0.45 that I can match against my bank feed of $25.20 - I have 4 transactions in this situation.



      MYOB has already marked the $24.75 off the invoice - essentially this is a duplicate amount of $24.75 that MYOB has recorded and I can't get rid of it.

      • Earl_HD's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Ian_Burgess,

        Thanks for the screenshot. I would recommend matching both surcharges and payments from the bank feed. For example, if the bank feed shows an amount of $24, this should be directly allocated to the bank account, while any surcharges should be directed to the account specified in your setup. Please see this help article for more information: Online invoice payments

        Additionally, Check if the surcharge has been recorded separately, usually indicated by an "s" at the end of the payment number. Example: Payment number: CR00001 Surcharge: CR00001s If there is a surcharge, simply match both the payment and surcharge to the feed.

        If not, there are two options available:

        1. Manually record a surcharge transaction and then match it together with the payment.
        2. Match the payment to the invoice and then use the "add adjustment" feature to include the surcharge amount.

        Feel free to post again, we're happy to help!

        If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

