Error trying to process a credit
I'm having an issue with MYOB while trying to process a credit from a supplier.
I am in the refrigeration trade and any used refrigerant gas we reclaim from refrigeration equipment we get a credit from the supplier when refrigerant cylinder is returned.
So when I receive a bill from the supplier regarding Reclaim cylinder x 1 with $0 value (we only pay a monthly rental fee which I have setup an another item to record that fee record) I enter the item in the bill (as I have set it up in my inventory item) with 0$ and when the goods are receipted in from the bill I create the inventory will update item as x 1 on hand.
When the the cylinder is full we return the cylinder and we get a credit for the used refrigerant as a negative value.
I know I'm doing this wrong but when I try to create a new credit bill and enter a credit for the returned cylinder with a negative value I get a non-zero value.
I think it's because I've receipted the cylinder with a zero value into inventory and now when I return the item and take it out of inventory there's a value on that shows no item on hand?
Any help please. Thanks.