Forum Discussion

BarryM1's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

end of year reporting

we changed our group number as directed by ATO at end of May. Staff now have double yearly earnings. How do we make second group start with Zero earnings? ATO said send through payroll and then update with the one months amounts. How do we do that?

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  • Celia_B's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi BarryM1 


    Thank you for your post. 


    Could you please clarify what you mean by "Change group number?" Do you mean Branch number? If you were referring to this. Please check this Help Article: Setting up Single touch payroll. If this is not the case can you please provide me more details on the issue so I can assist you properly?






    • BarryM1's avatar
      Experienced User

      Yes I meant branch number. we are restructuring with ATO changed branch number as instructed, however my gov accounts for employees are showing two lots of earnings, but with year to date for entire year added to both. Help!

      • BarryM1's avatar
        Experienced User

        we changed branch no. as instructed by ATO (we are restructuring) but no one told us to start new branch at zero. We have now finalised the new branch and staff have "tax ready" for their returns, however we need to do a zero pay run with zero ytd figures to clear the old branch sitting in my gov showing ytd figures up to when we changed.

        question. can we do a payrun showing zero ytd figures as at a certain date and how do we do that?