leave Entitlements
I need help with leave entitlements -they keep dropping out - to give you the back story
set up leave entitlement quite a while ok , go forward 2 years approx - do to run payroll leave entitlements showing as 0.00 for both Annual and sick , ring myob they tell me to set up new entitlement categories - so i did now i have two lots of Annual Leave ( Annual Leave Fixed and Annual Fixed 2) and Sick Leave ( Sick Leave Fixed and Sick leave Fixed 2) , i tried to combine them for one employee as they were complaining the leave balance was wrong on the pay slip as was only showing the 2nd line , after i combined them i went to run the next payroll Leave entitlement for Sick leave was back to 0 again so not accruing and i cant select the any other entitlement category when i go to pay it out it only lets me select the entitlement category that is being used currently, please help me !!!!!