Forum Discussion

JYU's avatar
Experienced User
5 months ago

MYOB teams does not feed hours to payroll

Does anyone know why hours approved by MYOB teams do not feed into MYOB essential payroll????


I posted this issue 2 weeks ago, previous hours were imported as 0s for all the employees, and now there is no timesheet at all!!!!??? MYOB has no live chat, nobody cares about their default product. Many people have suggested my boss switch to Xero and I wonder why.




1 Reply

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi JYU


    If the MYOB Team hours are not being migrated when processing pay runs, I would suggest refreshing the dates of the pay run. To refresh the system, you can change the dates of the process payroll window one day forward, then one day back to return it to the right date. This should refresh the data being shown in this window. Just let me know if you need more assistance with this.


    Best regards,
