12 months ago
I am getting error while creating invoice
Endpoint : */Sale/Invoice/Service
Method : POST
My Json Body:
{ "Number": "INV66915662", "Date": "2024-01-10T18:37:09.3816544+05:30", "Customer": { "UID": "db0b6cb1-6a38-414c-bb65-ef875735c832" }, "ShipToAddress": "222 Margaret St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia", "Terms": { "PaymentIsDue": "DayOfMonthAfterEOM", "DiscountDate": 1, "BalanceDueDate": 30, "DiscountForEarlyPayment": 0.0, "MonthlyChargeForLatePayment": 0.0, "DiscountExpiryDate": "2024-01-10T18:37:09.3836915+05:30", "Discount": 0, "DueDate": "2024-01-10T18:37:09.3836915+05:30" }, "IsTaxInclusive": true, "IsReportable": false, "Lines": [ { "Type": "Transaction", "Description": "SWP_2401005", "Account": { "UID": "eeabd27a-bef0-4fdc-8964-b79819af9a49" }, "Total": 0.0, "TotalForeign": 0.0, "Job": null, "TaxCode": { "UID": "c7a5f95f-0aee-4240-8637-e5b3eb342219" } } ], "Subtotal": 0, "Freight": 0, "FreightTaxCode": { "UID": "c7a5f95f-0aee-4240-8637-e5b3eb342219" }, "TotalTax": 0, "TotalAmount": 0, "Category": null, "Comment": "werwer", "ShippingMethod": null, "PromisedDate": "2024-01-10T18:37:09.3927056+05:30", "JournalMemo": "7", "BillDeliveryStatus": "Print", "AppliedToDate": 0, "BalanceDueAmount": 30, "Status": "Open", "LastPaymentDate": "2024-01-10T18:37:09.3956523+05:30", "Order": null, "ForeignCurrency": null }
After posting above JSON data. I am getting below errors. I try to found error meanif on MyOB websites but no luck can anyone help me what is the meaning of this error.
{ "Errors": [ { "Name": "ValidationWarning", "Message": "TransferEvent_VoidTransactionWarning", "AdditionalDetails": "Amount:(SaleEvent)", "ErrorCode": 4462, "Severity": "Warning", "LearnMore": null }, { "Name": "ValidationError", "Message": "BusinessLine_AccountHeaderNotAllowed", "AdditionalDetails": "AccountId:(SaleEventLine)", "ErrorCode": 4244, "Severity": "Error", "LearnMore": null }, { "Name": "ValidationError", "Message": "BusinessLine_AccountPostable", "AdditionalDetails": "AccountId:(SaleEventLine)", "ErrorCode": 4245, "Severity": "Error", "LearnMore": null } ], "Information": "Warning, error messages have not been finalised in this release and may change" }