Forum Discussion

Kelly011's avatar
3 years ago

Why are the invoice and quote templates so ugly?

Does anyone have any tricks to make the invoices look better? My business is graphic design, so it is pretty embarassing sending these things out. 


I know I can replace the header, but the new format containes really thick lines that are super clunky. 
There are also no formatting options for the text on the page.


Any ideas?




5 Replies

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  • I've been told (through the longest, worst customer service possible) that nothing else is editable as yet.  Just the header.  

    • Kelly011's avatar

      I also could not get any answers from MYOB. So frustrating!

      • Komal_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Kelly011 , Em_at_work 

        We're sorry to hear that you are not happy with the way the invoices appear. At this stage, the options to customise are limited but it's something that is a potential candidate for future development as more customisation is planned for this product range.


        Plese feel free to post should you have further queries or suggestions. 

  • leibholdqpbc's avatar
    Experienced User

    Look at the watermark option.
    You can place a picture with sneaky edits on the page behind the text.