Forum Discussion

georgiajaja's avatar
2 years ago

Developer Tab Not Appearing in my.MYOB when Registering for App and API Key

I want to integrate with MYOB EXO API so I have asked my client to follow the steps on the Getting Started page ( They have registered for API access and were successful, and then received an email prompting them to register an app to get the API key. However, when they logged into my.MYOB and switched to the developer account, the developer tab did not appear.

  • Will_H's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi georgiajaja ,

    So your client can get assistance, can they have someone fill out the API support form linked at the top of the API Support page as "Submit a Request":


    This will let our API support team track down their exact account and troubleshoot anything that is needed for them.