Forum Discussion

Jeffrey1's avatar
Experienced User
10 months ago

Recurring Invoices not posting again. MYOB Essentials

I had this same problem in October 23 and after much going back and forth with moderators was never given a solution. The problem somehow was fixed after about 4 weeks and I never received any explanation. We operate a caravan park in NZ and raise about 95 invoices every week. Since the problem was solved in Oct 23 everything has been going along fine with recurring invoices being posted every Monday. Today Monday May 27th the recurring invoices have not been posted. Note the screen shot below showing the next due date as today May 27th but no posting. Please can we get a positive resolution rather than all the back and forth last time that went nowhere. Serial number is 640003206140 Johns Road Investments Limited. Product MYOB Essentials. It is NZ based but we do all data entry in Australia. I would like to resolve quickly so we do not have to manually post 95 invoices every week until this issue is resolved.






  • RebeccaLee's avatar
    Contributing User

    Still not raising them for us either, since Monday 27th. We have cleared the cache as instructed and it has not solved the problem. Same problem last year that was all of a sudden fixed with no explanation. Frustrating! Definitely makes you look at changing to alternative providers! 

    • Jeffrey1's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thanks Rebecca, appreciate the contact. MYOB moderators are missing in action on this topic, wonder why?It is really not acceptable in my opinion.

      • Bullswool's avatar
        Trusted User

        MYOB moderators are missing on most topics to be honest...

  • CJACH's avatar
    Contributing User

    Interesting that we have had the same problem. Today's have not worked either. 


    We had the problem in the past and then manually created invoices with the system doing the auto ones 2 days later. Then had to delete the auto ones.


    MYOB is nothing but a pain, will be making a switch next financial year. 


    PS - we are in Australia

    • Jeffrey1's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thanks, nice to know the problem is shared. Notice that nobody from MYOB has given me the courtesy of any sort of reply after posting yesterday a.m.


  • Mine haven't posted since the 25th May 2024, so seems to be a wider issue. (3 days so far) No issues listed on the MYOB Status page either.

    • Jeffrey1's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Sam.

      Thanks for your note. Still nothing from MYOB even just to acknowledge there is a problem!!

      It is hardly acceptable. It is a lot of extra work for us to manually raise 95 invoices weekly.



  • CJACH's avatar
    Contributing User

    Nothing again today. Have had to manual invoice the last 3 days.


    To try something I have deleted 1 of the reoccurring for tomorrow and created a new one. See if that one works over the others.


    Only 1 month to go and will transition to Xero. 

    • Jeffrey1's avatar
      Experienced User

      Yes. I have had to manually raise 95 invoices this morning!!! I will change the dates in my recurring to next Monday and hope that the issue is resolved by then. Clearly a MYOB tech issue but it would be nice to get some form of communication from them.

  • We have the same problem over several entities, 2 hours on live chat and they cannot resolve the issue.  Their work around of creating new invoices prefilled from recurring is ok for one or two invoices but not for 200 invoices.

    • Jeffrey1's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi David. Sorry to hear that you are having the same issue. Yes we are prefilling from recurring but 95 invoices every week is a pain. Plus updating the recurring date so it is in advance of current date  in the hope that MYOB resolve this issue also creates extra work and cost. At least with live chat you have had some form of communication. If they fixed it in October last time I am mystified why they cannot resolve this time. Lack of support and communication on MYOB's part is dissapointing.