Forum Discussion

SDuddy's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

April Statements Balance Showing May Invoices

I am in the process of emailing EOM statements for April, and have the statement date set as 30 April 23 and the box ticked to only include invoices up to statement date.


I had reason to click through on a particular customer because I was curious about their account balance.  They have one sale, dated 3 May.  So why are they showing up in an April statement list?  I clicked the refresh button on the screen, they are still there.  Now I'm paranoid, are customers with May balances getting statements in error?

3 Replies

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  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi SDuddy


    Thanks for posting,


    My understanding is that we are trying to print the invoice statements for April. But a particular customer that does not have any invoice balance for April shows up on the list. There is an option under advanced filters to include customers with zero balances we could try to untick the box and see if the same customer shows. 


    If you need further assistance or have any other questions feel free to reply to this thread. 




    • SDuddy's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Genreve


      Not quite what is happening.


      I am sending Invoice Statements for April with the button ticked only to include invoices up to statement date of 30 April 2023.  The advanced option to include customers with zero balances is not selected.


      Customer X shows on the list with a balance of say $5000.  But in actual fact Customer X has NO sales in April, only sales in May.  So why are they on the list?  I am just working my way down the list merrily ticking all the customers to email this customer going to get a statement?

      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi SDuddy


        Thanks for your reply. 


        The Invoice statement covers all previous periods until the date you input. If the option "Include Customers with Zero Balances" is not ticked and the customer in question is still showing up, there is a chance that the customer still has a balance from previous periods. 


        If the customer does not have a previous balance and still shows up on the page please send me screenshots and blur out sensitive information. 


        If you need further assistance or any other questions feel free to reply to this thread.


