Forum Discussion

CML8's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Chart of Accounts


I am trying to update some of our account names/numbers in the COA and I've somehow made one of my header accounts now be at the same level as the detail accounts that linked into it, this has now meant the expenses in that group of accounts is now double counted in the total expenses.

How can I fix this?



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    • CML8's avatar
      Contributing User

      This isn't the answer I need to fix my problem unfortunately.

      I may need a support person to fix this

      • CML8's avatar
        Contributing User

        We are updating our chart of accounts and some account numbers have changed, I have made a new header account to have several detail accounts feed up into. The original header account for this group has somehow become a detail account and now has a financial history associated with it so can't be reverted to a header again, and now is being counted in our overall expenses header account - thus double counting the expenses that made up this total originally.

        I need to do a journal to take this balance out of expenses, but I don't know where to put the other side of the journal, MYOB help desk said to do a journal to Unspent Expenses (?) but I'm not sure how to do this.

        Can anyone help?
