Forum Discussion

GriffAdmin's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Check Item Pricing when invoices arrive

I have created items in MYOB with my buying and selling prices, and configured it to use my Standard Cost Price when I create (enter) an invoice line item. That way, if the price MYOB displays is different to the actual invoiced price, I know I need to check my Items list and review my sell prices.


However I am now finding that when I create an invoice from a supplier who uses MYOB, it picks up my line items, records a description and the invoice price and doesn't enter an item number. So far so good. However when I enter an item number (from our Items list) it doesn't change the Price, but leaves it at invoice price. That means it no longer highlights if the price has changed. That means that I need to look up each item in the Items list to determine if the price has changed.


This is a real time waster and I am after suggestions on how to get it to read invoice line items and quantities (as that does save time) but somehow highlights a price discrepancy when I enter our item number. That could be as easy as replacing the invoice price with the Items List price on the data entry screen. Any suggestions?