Customer's Total Amount Due does not match with Balance
I am trying to resolve a long outstanding problem in that I have 7 Customers whose Balance does not match their Total Amount Due.
I have checked and we have no forwarded dated transactions and I have also run a client statement to 31/12/9999 and the problem still exists for these clients.
There don't appear to be any usual transactions in the Debtors Account or in the Customer Ledger
In addition both my Debtors rec and Historical Sales do not balance.
Debtors inbalance $1,189.56 (Total Sales exceeds Linked Receivable Account)
Historical Sales inbalance $1,454.88 (Total Sales exceeds Linked Receivable Account)
Customer Statement inbalances $ 168.25 (Total amount Due Exceeds Balance)
I am using Accountright 2020.2 and there are a lot of purged transactions and it appears that this issue goes back to 30/06/2015 long before my time with the organisation.
With year end approaching I would really like to get this resolved
Hi RodSha
Thank you for confirming that information, The company file would need to come in for a data file investigation and possible repair.
I've sent you a direct email with all the details in regards to getting that file sent in for an investigation and possible repair. All the information required is included in the email but do let us know if you have any questions about the process.