Forum Discussion

Sam_P's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Importing Sales - Record ID v Invoice No



When importing Time Billing Sales into MYOB, will MYOB automatically create the record ID # and take the invoice number from the imported file?



  • Hi Sam_P 


    If you haven't already done so, take a look here - Import fields - this may answer some of your questions, but not all. You can only fill the gaps with experience or trial and error - practice on a local copy of the file first, remember a bad import cannot be un-done.


    My understanding is that if you do not specify an Invoice Number, MYOB will allocate based on next number. As for RecordID, this is the Recordid of the customer. You can use Co/Last name, CardID or RecordID. You cannot allocate a RecordID - this must already exist in the database - as must anything else you intend to use (such as Job, account, card etc etc).


    When importing transaction, there is no check for an existing transaction. This is only when importing other elements such as accounts, cards, jobs etc. There should be a check for duplicate Invoice Number however when I last checked this did not work for imports, as reported by many users.




    • Sam_P's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Dear Gavin,


      With all due respect, please refrain from answering my questions.  Your answers are not helpful, and they may delay other people's answers.

      I am an experienced MYOB user with many years of experience importing data into MYOB.  I have exported Time Billing Sales data from my current file, and my questions are based on the data that has been exported.


      A RecordID Is not the customer ID, the customer ID is based on the Customer name or CardID.

      'My understanding' is not a categorical answer - you do not need to answer questions that you do not know the answer to.

      There is indeed a check for an existing transaction, which is why I asked the question


      Kind Regards
