Forum Discussion

Liz_Ryding's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago


Can I please get a script run to have inventory quantity values changed to two places. 

I have quite a few items that need correcting and I would like this to reflect in the eofy reports.


If so what is required

4 Replies

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  • Liz_Ryding's avatar
    Contributing User

    Can I please get a script run to have inventory quantity values changed to two places. 

    I have quite one item that needs correcting and I would like this to reflect in the eofy reports.

  • Hi Liz_Ryding


    Can you please confirm the last 4 digits of your product serial number and file ID of the file (This can be found by going to Help > About MYOB AccountRight) so I can assist with this. 

    • Liz_Ryding's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Melissa,


      The last four digits of our serial number is 7860 and the ID for the file is 26.


      The file is online. The item name is called RIBCLASS that's out of balance due to more than two decimal places.


      This occurred when we swapped over from MYOB Account Premier V19 across to online.







      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Liz_Ryding


        Thank you, I've had that script run over your file. 


        Do let me know how it goes.