Forum Discussion

rollers1's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Latest update of MYOB 2022.5 crashes everytime I send an email

Please help


I have tried to email an invoice today and MYOB crashes each time.


It has happened since I did the MYOB update.


I have Office 365 subscription and MYOB and Office do not work together today.


I have had to print the invoice and scan it to email it to a customer.


I have rebooted the computer twice and that did not fix it.


Had anyone else had this problem and how do I fix it?

7 Replies

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  • Hello rollers1 


    I would suggest giving AccountRight a reinstall. 

    If the reinstall of AccountRight doesn't resolve this issue, can you please tell me more about the details of the crash, does the software freeze, does it go white, does it just close down abruptly. 

    Please let me know how you go.

    • rollers1's avatar
      Experienced User

      I did uninstall and then reinstall MYOB Accountright.


      Same problem keeps occuring. I cannot email as MYOB appears to try to email from my outlook but it freezes. When I try and close it 5 mins later MYOB says it is still emailing the invoice. I have to end the task.


      Have attached the error message.

      • rollers1's avatar
        Experienced User

        MYOB could not assist me with this problem as I only received 1 suggestion to uninstall and reinstall MYOB and it didn't work.


        Had to pay an IT person to fix it for me which only took 30mins.


        So happy to have this closed but it wasn't MYOB that assisted and definately do not phone as have tried that in past and being a small business don't have the time to be put on hold for over an hour.


        Also last year had said MYOB will not let me do BAS and have to pay an accountant. The only suggestion I received was do it on MYOB web. It will not work for me so again never got help with this and gave up.

  • nismosvd's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    i have the same problem. 


    i have had no issues until the last update

    • ChrisMYOB's avatar
      Former Staff

      If you are getting the same error message "System.InvalidCastException" you will either need to use AccountRight as the default to send emails. Or as this is a windows issue to do with Outlook, you will need to get an IT professional to assist you. 

      I have attached a Help Article on how you are able to switch to AccountRight as your default mailing system.