Forum Discussion

CropServ's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

AccountRight Crashes When Exporting Purchases


In AccountRight, am exporting purchases (item purchases), separating using Tabs (include field headers). Each time I have tried to Export MYOB crashes. Have tried both online and on desktop.

Have attached the ErrorLog - tried to export 3 times on Library desktop and 2 times Online last Friday and 1 time this morning on desktop.


  • CropServ's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Gavin

    In case you would like to know the answer to the export issue: Chatted with support online on 2 occasions. Reinstalling MYOB did not work.

    Clearing the MYOB cache did work and I could export.

    Reinstalling MYOB nor clearing the cache did not fix the error in the accounts. You mentioned there is a script to fix the Office Expenses amount (showing in the Accounts List) which is incorrect - have worked out which 2 accounts the exact $ figure has been swapped between, there are also 2 cost of sales account which this has also happened to.

    What do I need to do to get the script run on our file?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hi CropServ 


    The error message you are getting indicates that the file might be over 4 GB in size (max file size). 


    Is your file online or offline. If offline check the file size in Library. If online try to make a backup and restore locally to check file size.


    Note this company MYOX Services can reduce your file size by purging data if this is the issue.




    • CropServ's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Gavin

      Thanks for your reply.

      The file size is 4185408KB in the Library, so just of 4 GB.

      Thanks for the link. Is there any way we could purge the transactions ourselves?



      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi CropServ 


        With AR2024 MYOB decided purging was no longer necessary, so the feature was never included in this version.


        Your only option is to use a 3rd party purge service (which can be expensive) or start a new file (which can take a long time to setup).


