Forum Discussion

CropServ's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 months ago

AccountRight Crashes When Exporting Purchases

Hi In AccountRight, am exporting purchases (item purchases), separating using Tabs (include field headers). Each time I have tried to Export MYOB crashes. Have tried both online and on desktop. Hav...
  • CropServ's avatar
    12 months ago

    Hi Gavin

    In case you would like to know the answer to the export issue: Chatted with support online on 2 occasions. Reinstalling MYOB did not work.

    Clearing the MYOB cache did work and I could export.

    Reinstalling MYOB nor clearing the cache did not fix the error in the accounts. You mentioned there is a script to fix the Office Expenses amount (showing in the Accounts List) which is incorrect - have worked out which 2 accounts the exact $ figure has been swapped between, there are also 2 cost of sales account which this has also happened to.

    What do I need to do to get the script run on our file?

    Thanks for your help.
