Forum Discussion

Nicmack77's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Long invoices

Has there been any advancement on multiple page invoices?  I want to print a multiple page invoice and understand the features of printing on first and last page but I want the second invoice to start at the top of the page not the same gap as the information at the top of the first page.  Like in Word where the table would continue at the top of the next page. 

  • Hi Nicmack77 

    There have been no advancements in terms of the way longer invoices are handled with customised forms. Invoices are designed to populate the Invoice table field on the customise form. This table would be a set size across the number of pages of the invoices and doesn't dynamically scale to the information in the invoice field within AccountRight 2020.2.

  • Hi Nicmack77 

    There have been no advancements in terms of the way longer invoices are handled with customised forms. Invoices are designed to populate the Invoice table field on the customise form. This table would be a set size across the number of pages of the invoices and doesn't dynamically scale to the information in the invoice field within AccountRight 2020.2.