Forum Discussion

tkeenan's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago


Hi there, we currently have a supplier sending their invoices directly to our MYOB in tray. From here I would review and then upload the invoice. I have been finding a hand full of invoices have been pushed through our system automatically without our knowledge or approval. When I have queried this with them, they can see we have registered for both Peppol and MYOB. They claim Peppol is responsbile for the invoieces that are being pushed through the system. How do I find out what we have registered for in order to disable this from happening?

  • Bamp's avatar
    Contributing User

    We are also having an issue with the Peppol Network sending duplicate invoices, automatically coded them (using inventory - which we do NOT use) and then we are unable to delete them.  

    If someone could please advise how we can stop receiving these invoices or how we can delete, it would be much appreciated.




  • Hello tkeenan  and Bamp 


    As Peppol is a 3rd party software I am unable to say how this will affect the MYOB software. You will need to contact the support of the 3rd party software to see how you are able to disable this from happening with their software.