Forum Discussion

bazzamed's avatar
Experienced User
5 years ago

Printing or emailing customer statements showing incorrect ageing

I have attached 2 statements (same customer) with two different statement dates. As you will notice the ageing has changed from current(statement date 30-11-20) to 30 days overdue(statement date 1-12...
  • Steven_M's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi bazzamed 

    Statement ageing is based on the terms of the invoice. As such, I would recommend reviewing the due date of that invoice. This can be done by opening the invoice and selecting the Terms arrow (top right) before reviewing the Due Date.

    Based on your screenshots, I imagine that the Terms are set to be COD and thus the Due date of the invoice would be set to be 30/11/2020. This does mean that when the statement is set to be run for 30/11/2020 it appears as Current, but when run for 01/12/2020 will show in the first ageing period. Due to the configuration of ageing periods and the labels, it falls into the 30 Days Overdue section. What the section is showing is actually 1-30 days overdue.


    You also brought up the ageing reports, it's likely that you have Ageing method filter set to be Number of Days Since Invoice date, not Days Overdue Using Terms, thus its just using the invoice date, not the term date.