Forum Discussion

Trackmagicak's avatar
3 years ago

sales register

Hi there,

              I have a customer with many branches, but we invoice them on a single account.  Is there any way we can put a branch name on the sales order to show up on the sales register screen??

Thank You


  • Hi Trackmagicak 


    As it is your Customer that has the multiple branches (rather than these being your branches) suggest the possible options may help,  you will need to check if you can display on the Sales register or maybe just be able to report on this data:

    1. Setup a separate Customer card for each Branch, when you Invoice the main customer select under the Ship to select Choose another card and select the branch customer card; and or
    2. Enter the Branch name in the Customer PO field on each Invoice 
  • Hi Trackmagicak 

    If you're using AccountRight, you can set up and use Job Numbers for each branch so that you can track the sales by branch using the Job Numbers. Our article Jobs has more information on this.


    Please feel free to post should you have further queries. 

    • Hi Komal,

                      We know this way to do. Here the problem is we already use the jobs column for our colour range.

      Is there any other way we can put the branch name for the customer we invoice for?

      Thank You