Forum Discussion

BronwynHamster's avatar
Trusted Cover User
10 months ago

AccountRight payroll bug

Morning, has anyone experienced an issue with pay runs where new employees show as "Deleted" if the pay run is saved and closed, rather than recorded? Last week was the 2nd time this has happened, on two different clients. The first time I didn't pick it up. The payroll had been processed, choosing the save and close feature so I could check it. A payroll verification report had been run for me to use in the checking process, which showed the new employees. When I retrieved the payroll, ie: continue option, made one amendment and clicked Record the new employees' processed  pays had been deleted from the pay run. Luckily I had not overwritten the Payroll Verification report and could clearly see these pays had been processed in the first instance. Last week we used the same process. I went into amend one person's pay and noticed the new employees came up as "Deleted" and greyed under the Employee Name column. So, I saved and closed out, came back in and noted the new employees names now displayed, saved over the Payroll Verification report (sadly) and recorded the payroll. All three new employees' pay runs had been deleted from the pay run. This bug only seems to occur when the Save and Close option is used and doesn't look  as though it happens all the time. Thanks, Bronwyn

9 Replies

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, BronwynHamster 


    Thanks for your post.


    If you save and close the ongoing pay run, and then changes have been made within payroll during the processing of the pay run, this may trigger the issue. In the meantime, we recommend discarding the saved pay run instead, creating a new one, and continuing to process it until it has been recorded to the ATO.


    Please let us know if you require any further assistance with this. We are happy to assist.


    Best regards,


    • BronwynHamster's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Hi Doreen, thanks for your comments. However, given MYOB provide the option of save and close (even promote) I believe the option should work bug-free. It is a highly important feature of ARL payroll. Also, your suggestion of simply starting again is not acceptable and time consuming. Especially when you have 40 odd peeps in a pay run. MYOB should address and fix this bug.


      Kind regards, Bronwyn

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, BronwynHamster 


        Thanks for your response.


        We truly appreciate your time in providing feedback regarding the issue. We will have this relayed to the relevant team so we can further check. Also, we recommend checking the employee card file, and if you are using timesheets, kindly check the timesheet first before processing the pay run.


        Please don't hesitate to reach out to us or create a new post if you encounter any issues, and one of the MYOB Moderators will attend to it.


        Best regards,
