Forum Discussion

Devcert1's avatar
2 years ago

Cannot delete payslip

I cannoty delete payslips for one employee, their entries have grey arrows, the rest have blue arrows. I need to amend this payslip and thought I would delete and do a new one.

The setting Transactions CAN't be changed; They must be reversed is unticked

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  • Hi Devcert1 


    Thanks for your post. There's a couple of reasons why pay transactions can't be deleted. The first one is the status of the STP report, if it has been accepted you will need to reverse the pay transaction. The Help Article, Changing a recorded pay, has detailed information on this.


    The other factor that can affect deleting pay transactions is if the transaction has been included in another transaction, eg, electronic payment or super payment. This Help Article, Deleting a transaction, has information on why a transaction's zoom arrow is grey.


    Please let me know if you need further help.


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