Forum Discussion

Herveybaydrott's avatar
2 years ago

delete historical employee data

How can I delete details on employees files over 5 years old and now longer working for us.

In case of hackers we are being told we should no longer have this information

2 Replies

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  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Herveybaydrott 

    Thanks for your post. Here's how you fix it. In the command Centre go to Card File > Select Card List > Employee > Locate The Employee you want to delete > Right click then select Delete Card.

    This help article will give you more information in Creating, editing and deleting cards.

    Best Regards,

  • That's not much of an answer.  If we have a lot of employees who've left we'll be doing this for ages.  MYOB needs to include this with the end of year rollover.  It should leave the employees name but remove all other details (address, TFN, DOB, bank accounts, super accounts, etc).