Employee returning to work 6 months after resigning.
Hello. We have a staff member who resigned 6 months ago in the previous financial year but will be starting back with us in the next couple of weeks. I have seen the "Reinstating an Employee" guide in the help centre so will follow the steps in that but is there a requirement for them to complete a new Tax File Number declaration given that if I'm using their old card, I can't send them a Self-onboarding request as they are not technically a new employee? I read on a previous thread in the community forum that said "Are you aware that the ATO expects that someone returning after 3 months is a new employee?". Does this just update with the ATO when their first pay run is submitted?
Hi BJ_Werder,
Thank you so much for your post and I am sorry to hear about the issue you are having, I really appreciate your patience and understanding about this issue, and I do apologize for the delayed response. If the employee card file remains the same, you can remove the termination date and clear the employee's termination status in STP. There's no need to re-onboard the employee since you can still utilize the existing employee card file, which retains the employee's TFN declaration.
The TFN declaration will be sent once you've processed the first pay run for that employee.
Please do let me know how you go on this.