Forum Discussion

Kim33's avatar
Cover User
5 years ago

Entitlement Balance Rollover to new pay year 2020/2021



I need to process a annual leave pay today and there are no entitlement balances in the entry screen.  It shows on my entitlement Balance report excisitng hours but I noticed that opening balances have not rollover.  

Screen shot attached Entitlement Information with the carried over tick box showing grey so can not access.


I have not touch this tick box feature at all.


Help please.

  • Hi Everyone

    Thank you for patience


    As has been indicated, we are aware of the warning message that is appearing when processing the pays that relates to the leave entitlements. This is caused by the end of year sequence of events. Processing your first pay in the new year should roll over those hours as intended. Clients are encouraged to ignore that message.

    Check out Leave entitlement warning message when processing pays in AccountRight 2020.2 for more information.

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  • JordyW's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Does anyone know what the temporary workaround for this is?

    • MDarker's avatar
      Contributing User

      Everyone is posting about having thsi problem but have not seen one response from MYOB. Concerned that their payslip will all show negative balances.

      Still on waiting to speak to someone


    • KellySchofield1's avatar

      good morning, I am running payroll this morning and all my staff's entitlements have gone to zero? 

    • YasminG1's avatar
      Valued User

      From MYOB


      Hi Everyone

      Products: AccountRight 2020.2


      We are aware that some clients are encountering a warning message in relation to processing leave entitlements in the new payroll year and leave entitlements not appearing on an employee's card.




      This is caused by the sequencing of events as the new payroll year doesn't fully tick over until a user has recorded their first payroll year in the new year.


      We do recommend that clients ignore this message and process the pays as normal. Once the pays have been recorded in the new financial year the entitlements will be correctly carried forward.

      • SDuddy's avatar
        Experienced User

        How was MYOB not aware of this issue before now - surely this would have come up in product testing and in that case, why was it not mentioned in any documentation or any of the EOFY payroll posts that have been made over the past week?

  • I  have the same  issue it did not roll over any of entitlemts . Are they going to fix it as am on the phone to Myob but it has waiting time of 1hr...

  • DebraPower's avatar
    Experienced User

    Same problem here.   MYOB this should not be an issue.  We all pay a lot of money for your service.  This is a basic requirement.  Account's people are busy enough without encountering problems like this and wasting more of our time.

  • AnnetteW's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Steven - this is really, really concerning especially as MYOB have chosen NOT to advise everyone about this as an issue! When these "scheduling" errors occur, surely it would be the responsible thing to od to email all of your subscribers rather than leaving us all to find your post to know that there is an identified problem in hte first place? 

  • DebraPower's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi Kim,  did you have any luck with MYOB.  Our RDO's didn't roll over.  Never had this problem before.  I can't even adjust manually.  I rang them last week but after an hour on hold hang up.  Now I've been on hold for 50 minutes.  Wish they had a call back service.  Absolutely ridiculous.