Forum Discussion

PCSawyers's avatar
Contributing User
6 months ago

Increase Pay Super limit - online instructions aren't working

Hi All,

I need to increase the quarterly limit for Pay Super as the percentage increase in the employer contributions has gone over the previously set limit.

I followed the instructions found online"

Payroll Module ->Pay Superannuation -> Pay Super Settings -> enter email, password and verification code

At this point, according to your online instructions, the Pay Super details should have an edit does not!

So, how am I supposed to continue? I've searched high and low but without success.

I'm using the most up to date version of AccountRight. I've tried working from both my desktop and through the cloud. Neither will help.



  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi there PCSawyers,


    To change the Pay Super limit, only the Pay Super Administrator can make this adjustment through the Pay Super settings. If you're still unable to change the limit, you can fill out the Pay Super Change of Details form below and send it to Also, you can check this link for more information regarding the Pay Super payment limit.


    Best regards,


  • PCSawyers's avatar
    Contributing User

    Thanks Doreen. I thought I was the admin....

    Getting the paperwork signed by the director is impossible as he's overseas for the next month and mostly uncontactable. I'm guessing there are no other solutions or workarounds?

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hello PCSawyers,


    Aside from filling out the Pay Super Change of Details form, you can also try with other file users to see if they have the edit button from Pay Super settings to change the limit.


    Best regards,


    • PCSawyers's avatar
      Contributing User

      Sadly not. I'm listed as the owner of the company file but not the Pay Super Admin. We cannot see who that is. Would there be a way of finding out who this is? As far as I know, I'm the only one in the organisation that has completed any paperwork for MYOB in the last 10 years.
