Job numbers web browser - Timesheets
Apologies for the late response. As of right now, some software limitations prevent the full list of Jobs from showing up when recording Timesheets. We are in the process of maximizing the functionality available in the web version so we will be able to see an improvement in its capabilities going forwards. In the meantime, you will still be able to record the timesheets with the relevant Jobs from the software.
Good morning. The above is a reply from a previous query. Would you please explain how I can use timesheets with relevant job numbers when it appears from the first part of the reply that there is an issue? I have a client who is having this issue.
Hi emjayem,
Thank you for your post.
In the web browser version, you can allocate job numbers created while entering timesheets (Payroll >> Enter Timesheet). To understand your concern, can you provide more information about this? Can I please confirm if you've tried to allocate job numbers in the browser? Can you please provide screenshots of your job number list? Please remove any sensitive information before posting to the Community forum.