Forum Discussion

Kace4321's avatar
Trusted User
4 days ago

Last Pay, ETP payment, Unused Leave


I've read the MYOB info on ETP and I'm a bit confused.

I have to do a payrun / final payment for an employee that was made redundant.

It reads like I need to do two last pays, one for the last and then another one for an unscheduled pay to pay out the unused leave.  Can I do everything in one final payrun instead?

I need to pay out:

7 days of work for the final pay run.

ETP taxable payment - 11 weeks non-genuine redundnacy.

Unused LSL/AL using marginal PAYG.

I'm still using the desktop version.



  • Hi Kace4321 - thanks for the question.


    The reason you should do a separate pay for the unused leave is because of the tax. Tax is calculated differently on unused leave than other payments - so doing it in a separate pay allows the tax to be calculated just on that payment.


    I hope this clarifies it!



  • KACE's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Many thanks Adrian.


    I thought the PAYG for unused leave would be a manual calculation that I would need to do. ATO requirements on unused leave is to use the marginal rate calulcatuion steps 1 to 7, therefore I would know the correct PAYG to apply to the unused leave, so couldn't I just enter that amount into the final payslip, rather than doing a final payslip and then an unscheduled payslip for the unused leave?

