Forum Discussion

KellyKellyProp's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 days ago

One off Additional employer super contribution

My director paid himself a one-off super contribution of $10k by just transferring the money from our company bank account to his super account. 

I have created a zero pay run with just the additional super payment recorded.

When I have gone to pay the quarterly super for all the other employees, this payment is in the Pay Super list as unpaid, so I have done a 'Pay Super' payment for just this one transaction (with the date it was paid from the bank account) but not authorised it. 

It is now sitting in the list of super payments as a 'pending authorisation'. If I process the quarterly super payments, I am worried that this $10k payment is going to be paid again when I authorise. Can I just leave it as 'Pending Authorisation' forever? 


2 Replies

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi KellyKellyProp


    Thanks for your detailed post. It looks like you've taken the right steps by creating a zero-pay run for the director's super contribution. However, leaving it as 'Pending Authorization' indefinitely might not be the best practice. If the super payment has already been paid externally and the super is still showing up under the pay super window, you can create a spend money transaction to mark those transactions as paid. To do this, you can check out the Help Article: Spend Money for more information. Let me know if you have other queries!



    Kind regards,


    • KellyKellyProp's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Sheila,


      So, I have reversed the 'Pay Super' transaction, and then used the 'Pay Liabilities' window to record the transaction from the bank account, and marked it off on via Bank Feeds (although, the previous 'Pay Super' transaction still shows as an option to choose when using the online version, but not the desktop version, see below):

      Now when I run a 'Superannuation Payments' report, it still shows the $10k as being unpaid for the employee. Do I need to fix this, or just leave it, knowing that it was paid?