Forum Discussion

minghua's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 years ago


Hi there,   I have processed a payment for a casual employee last week, the wage was $330.00, the superannuation should be 330.00X9.5%, bust it was zero in the payroll . I have checked this employe...
  • GDay53's avatar
    6 years ago



    Welcome to the MYOB Community Forum, I hope you find plenty of useful information.


    As Maxine_BC  is saying, Super is calculated on the gross amount paid every month once the threshold has been reached.

    Until the threshold is reached no super is allowed for.

    So if this is the first pay in August and the gross was below the threshold no super would be calculated.

    When the threshold is reached then super will be calculated on the total gross for the month up to that date.

    So first pay of the month $330.00 gross = no super, 2nd pay $330.00 gross net gross for month = $660 super calculates $660.00 x 9.5% = 62.70, 3rd pay of month $330.00 gross super calculate on that pay only so $31.35.

    Start a new month and the Super calculates start all over again i.e. nothing until threshold is reached.