Forum Discussion

caraboo's avatar
3 years ago


I have run a Payroll summary from Reports and also keep an excel spreadsheet as a hard copy. They both agree. However my YTD verification report is one pay amount lower (gross payment). I have checke...
  • Melisa_D's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi caraboo,


    Thank you for your post and welcome to the Community Forum ! If your Payroll activity and Payroll register reports both match in AccountRight but the YTD in Payroll reporting doesn't, this generally indicates that the issue is being caused by ATO reporting categories that have not been assigned correctly or by payroll categories that have exempted from PAYG Withholding in error. Follow these steps to find and fix the issues:

    1. Run the Payroll Activity Detail report to narrow down which payroll categories are causing the problem.
    2. Check that the correct ATO reporting category has been assigned. Change the ATO reporting category as required.
    3. Check if the payroll category has been ticked exempt from PAYG in error (Payroll Categories>>open the category>>click on the Exempt button). Untick PAYG Withholding and click Ok.
    4. Once you have made the necessary changes to the payroll category, process a $0 pay to update STP.(Note; please make sure that the payment date is 30/6/21 so that this pay is updated in payroll year 20/21). 

    Please do let me know how you go. 


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.