Pays not showing up in the Payroll Reporting Centre
Hi, I have just completed my pay cheques for this week and noticed that I was not directed to Authorise the payment which is strange and also the pays are not listed in the Payroll Reporting Centre even though they have been recorded. I also had a problem the week prior when I did my pays and for some reason something went wrong and a duplicate series of pays went through less any allowances of which I manually update prior to processing. Due to this I only paid this week the allowances so the two pay cheques total up a correct pay for each employee. Would there be a problem because there was no base hourly rate paid? Any ideas as to what went wrong and how do I get them to appear so my ATO year to date figures are correct? Thanks in advance. Regards Marli
Hi Marli
Removing the file from cloud and replacing it with another one should not have affected the connection to ATO , however, if you send me a Private Message with your serial number, I can investigate this for you and provide more information on what is different from normal processing.