Re: Long Service Leave Accrual Not Showing On Payslips
Hi Neil
I found this advice from you in community posts. Many thanks for the solution.
I also had this issue...
Accrued long service leave that was show on payslips for Premier v 19, no longer show on Account Right after migration to 2019.3 last week.
Our workers subscribe to portable LSL often from several different states.
So, I don't do the accrual methods topping up every week.
It seems a shame that something as valuable as Long service leave stops showing on the payslip. This is a big deal for our workers. I think that if leave is not used for a year having the leave accrual disappear off your payslip is a terrible thing. Especially for young workers, all carried over leave MUST show on the payslip, it belongs to them. This should be honoured in the spirit of Fair Work conditions.
Could you please ask MYOB our our behalf to change this. Its shameful.
Hi Helen_01
You’re welcome, thank you for checking that the entitlements are linked and set up. You do not have to mark as solution, it's there to assist other users in their search with similar situations so is for the benefit of others.
When you moved from classic to ARLive the accrual amounts should be there. If there is a carryover amount in your employee’s card file then you can update the employees leave balance. You can do this by entering these hours they have against the long service leave category in the payrun. This will then display on the payslip. This is explained in article I linked above Long Service Leave, please review this for additional information.
To clarify your statement, “If workers have earned their leave, then they should have access to this information as it is theirs by right.” That is correct and you are able to display this. Each state has different Long Service Leave rights, if you have questions about individual employee situations you can always verify using the provided calculators that the FairWork Ombudsman provides on the site, link included.
If you would like to use a report that displays entitlements please refer to the Entitlement Balance [Summary] Report in AccountRight. More information in Payroll reports.
Let me know if you require further information.