Forum Discussion

CMichael1's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Superannuation Correction

Hi all,


We have an issue where 3 of our staff have not had super calculating dueing a pay run as their superannuation fund was not selected in all the right places.


I have now added the super fund to their employee card correctly and was going to process a $0 pay run, manually inputting the superannuation $ but the payslip won't let me type in the $ column on the super lines.  I have amended the settings for this specific superannuation fund per attached image.


Anyone able to help? I feel like I'm going round in circles!

    • Princess_R's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi CMichael1,


      Thank you for the update. It's good to hear that you had this solved. Please feel free to create a new post whenever you need help in the future. We are more than happy to assist.


