Forum Discussion

RoughRed's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Teams Mobile app not working

My business uses Activities, Job and Customer.

In the past timesheets were manually entered and used to make payroll

I started using MYOB Teams 5 weeks ago and can not get Activities Jobs and and Customer to show up as a selection in the App

I have looked and searched on-line and to date have not found anything that translates


And now to cap it off the Mobile App for me is just hanging, then timing out




  • uninstalled and restarted 

    uninstalled and restarted

    uninstalled and restarted


    And It works!


    This had beter not be a regular thing!

  • RoughRed's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    uninstalled and restarted 

    uninstalled and restarted

    uninstalled and restarted


    And It works!


    This had beter not be a regular thing!

    • Leneth_A's avatar
      MYOB Staff

      Hi RoughRed 


      Thanks for your post. I'm sorry to hear that you had that experience with the team's mobile app not working. We're glad to hear you're able to look for a solution.

      Please don't hesitate to post again if you need help in the future.



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