Forum Discussion

Carol15's avatar
2 years ago

YTD Totals not showing in Payslips for employees with Salary Sacrifice Arrangements

Since the start of this financial year and STP2, 2 of my employee's payslips are displaying incorrectly - everyone else's remain correct.

The common factor is both have a Salary Sacrifice arrangment - one is MV, the other Super. 

Instead of the YTD column for wages and entitlements appearing, the pay slip now includes "Job" and "Job Amount" columns instead. I don't use "Jobs" for employees and can't find how to get rid of this and get the YTD columns back.  

2 Replies

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  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Carol15,


    Thank you for your post. 


    Could you please confirm if this is still occurring for these 2 employees? If so, could you please check under Setup > Preferences > Reports & Forms, if the option 'Include all YTD amounts and Entitlement balances.....' remains ticked? 

    • Carol15's avatar

      Yes Sam_R , I can confirm the problem is still occuring and the option for including YTD balances remains ticked

